Author: RevViggers

  • Jerry Gerlach’s Funeral Sermon

  • Trinity 8. Beware of False Prophets: A Call for Discernment

    Beloved in Christ, today’s sermon focuses on the stern warning from our Savior, Jesus Christ, in his Sermon on the Mount. He cautions us against false prophets who disguise themselves as part of God’s flock but inwardly seek to devour it. We are called to be discerning, using the spirit of discernment given by Christ…

  • Trinity 7 2024. Man Plans but God Provides

    In this powerful and dense sermon, the preacher delves into the deep hunger for spiritual nourishment and the importance of trusting in God’s providence. Drawing from the miracle of Jesus feeding the 4,000 with seven loaves and a few fish, the message underscores that God delights in providing for His children, even in the most…

  • Trinity 4. Embracing Mercy: A Call to True Christian Living

    In this enlightening episode, we delve into Christ’s message of mercy, emphasizing the importance of extending the same grace to others that we have received from our Heavenly Father. Using the Pharisees as a cautionary example, we explore the dangers of outward religiosity without true inward transformation. The sermon challenges us to examine our own…

  • Embracing Fatherhood and Faith: Lessons from VBS

    On this special Father’s Day, we honor the role of fathers, drawing inspiration from the Bible. We delve into the Greek term “pater,” meaning father, and “patria,” meaning family, emphasizing that families are incomplete without fathers. We explore the significance of fathers in reflecting God’s love, forgiving sins, and guiding their children. This episode also…

  • The Great Invitation to the Feast

    Beloved in Christ, today’s message brings to our remembrance the parable from Luke chapter 14, where the kingdom of God is likened to a grand feast. An invitation is sent out, calling all to partake in the feast of victory prepared by our Lord. This feast symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ, given for our salvation…

  • Trinity 1. From Riches to Rags: The Eternal Lesson of Lazarus and the Rich Man

    In today’s gospel, Jesus presents a powerful parable contrasting the lives and afterlives of a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. This episode explores the perils of covetousness and greed, and the call to a Christian life focused on heavenly treasures rather than earthly comforts. Through the rich man’s luxurious yet spiritually empty existence…

  • Pentecost 2024. The Salvation and Unity in Christ

    In this transcript, we draw parallels between modern Christianity and the ancient events surrounding Tower of Babel construction and the Great Deluge, the sermon urges us to realize the divine saving grace that transcends time and space. The primary focus of the sermon revolves around a fellow believer, Johnny, who received Christ and now stands…

  • Exaudi, 2024. Our Exemplary, True Mother

    In celebration of Mother’s Day, this sermon transcript underscores the divine and radiant role of the church as our True Mother. Drawn from Galatians Chapter 4, it highlights the church as a celestial entity, married to Christ, dedicated to cherishing and bringing spiritual enlightenment to all of God’s children, and a boundless source of divine…

  • Ascending to our Ultimate Purpose

    In this insightful dialogue, we explore the profound significance of Christ’s ascension and what it teaches us about our place and purpose as followers of Christ. More than an awe-inspiring spectacle, the ascension is an act that instructs, comforts, and sustains us in our Christian journey. Reflecting on Christian faith, we examine how the ascension…