In this insightful dialogue, we explore the profound significance of Christ’s ascension and what it teaches us about our place and purpose as followers of Christ. More than an awe-inspiring spectacle, the ascension is an act that instructs, comforts, and sustains us in our Christian journey.
Reflecting on Christian faith, we examine how the ascension reshapes our world view, heralding a new era of humanity where Christ presides over all things. We discuss the symbolism behind extinguishing the Paschal candle, revealing it not as an absence of Christ’s presence, but as a transformation of it. Now, Christ resides in our hearts and minds, shaping our identity and staking our deepest roots in our heavenly home.
We challenge the modern notion of freedom as unbridled indulgence in desires and pursuits. Christ’s ascension, ascension reveals that true freedom emerges from surrendering to the divine will. We also denounce the pervasive pursuit of self-realization as empty and futile, urging instead to lead lives focused on God and our neighbors.
Our discussion explores how Christ’s ascension and reign urge us to live as his faithful disciples, working as ambassadors of his gospel, manifesting his kingdom’s virtues on earth, and thereby finding our ultimate purpose. We affirm that our upward calling is to transition from passive recipients of God’s blessings to active participants in God’s worldly mission.
In closing our reflections on Christ’s ascension, we embrace the freedom, meaning, and joy it imparts upon us in this fleeting, superficial world. We recognize our lives as intended for more—filled with purpose, good works, fruitful relationships, and eternal fellowship with God.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.