Embracing Fatherhood and Faith: Lessons from VBS

On this special Father’s Day, we honor the role of fathers, drawing inspiration from the Bible. We delve into the Greek term “pater,” meaning father, and “patria,” meaning family, emphasizing that families are incomplete without fathers. We explore the significance of fathers in reflecting God’s love, forgiving sins, and guiding their children.

This episode also recaps a vibrant Vacation Bible School (VBS) week, where children learned about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Each day, the story of their journey paralleled our own struggles and triumphs through faith in Jesus Christ. From the bondage in Egypt to the miraculous Red Sea crossing, and from manna in the wilderness to the bronze serpent, the kids discovered profound biblical truths.

We conclude with reflections on the importance of the cross, both as a symbol in our church and as the essence of our faith. Through Christ crucified, we find forgiveness, healing, and eternal life. Join us as we celebrate the joy of faith and the pivotal role of fathers in our spiritual journey.



