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Sunday Worship
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.




Trinity Lutheran: Preschool

Gillette, Wyoming


Our goal as a Christian preschool is to provide experience that will make the child feel secure, confident, and loved.  To help the child grow in awareness, and self discovery in a Christian atmosphere. We work on social skills with loving guidance on how to solve problems, as  self help. pre kindergarten skills.

Morning Session: 9 to 11:30 am.

       Afternoon Session: 1 to 3:30 pm

We continue to work on social and self-help skills. We start emphasizing the skills needed to succeed in kindergarten.



It certainly is a lot quieter around the church and preschool.  We miss the
excitement of the children, but hope that everyone is enjoying more time to appreciate God's world.  It has been fun to see and hear from some of the children and parents.  We do have the St. Jude's Trike-a-Thon prizes in and appreciate everyone that is helping to get them distributed.  As summer goes on we will be finalizing our enrollment and preparing for an exciting new year.  Please call if you need to enroll your child or if you have any questions, 682-5126.

We have received several donations of items and certainly extend our thanks to all of you who continue to be so generous and helpful with our preschool program.

I thought I would include a few inexpensive ideas for summer fun.  Your
children will seldom grow up to remember expensive toys.  They will
remember the times you spent together - simple picnics, walks, blowing
bubbles together and creating memories.  What fun to go barefoot!  As you walk along, your feet tell you about textures and temperatures.  Your feet talk too!  Make up funny stores about walking and talking feet, explore mud puddles and make barefoot prints on the sidewalk with your bare feet.  Of course, animals are always walking barefoot.  You can also look for animal tracks.  You can decide how big the animal is and where it was going by studying their tracks.

Have you ever done a bubble prayer?  Take bubble mix  and your bubble
makers (anything with holes) and go outside where you can be surrounded by God's miracles of creation.  Watch the bubbles float and whenever a bubble pops finish the sentence with a thank you prayer.  Ex..  Thank you God for...


Martha Tanner and Staff


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