Trinity Lutheran Preschool is a vital part of the mission of Trinity Lutheran Church. We have a comprehensive program of quality education based on a classical approach including the proclamation of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Our school is a place where God’s Word and the Christian faith are related to all subjects to help each child become a mature Christian adult.
Emphasis will be put on Kindergarten readiness and academics. Because children have ample time for free play at home or daycare, the time they are in preschool is primarily a time for teacher-directed instruction. This is done through stories, games, music, activities, craft and seat-work. Each area of a child’s growth will be guided by developmentally appropriate activities.
We believe that parents have the primary responsibility for the young child’s physical, social and spiritual development. To assist parents with this responsibility, our preschool will provide a Christ-centered, structured environment in which the students learn and develop skills. The atmosphere will be warm and loving where the children feel secure and stimulated to learn. Good discipline will be emphasized in order to help each student learn to his or her full potential. Our hope is that each child develops into a life-long learner in Christ, prepared for life in the church, home, community and for life everlasting.