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Pastoral Thoughts

When Doubts Arise

The story is told of a pastor who went to see a man in the hospital.  The doctor had just informed the man that he was dying and had  less than 2 months to live.  Understandably, the man was very shaken by these words. The man said, "Pastor, I have doubts, huge doubts." 

The pastor listened to the man agonize for a long time and then opened his Bible to the ninth chapter of Mark.  He read to the man the account of a grieving father who had some serious doubts.  Specifically, he had doubts as to whether Jesus could really heal his pain tortured son.  In this account Jesus says, "Everything is possible for him who believes." Immediately the father of the boy exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief'!"  Jesus healed the boy.

We are not saved by our perfect faith, but rather, we are saved by our perfect Savior. That great truth along with the father's honest prayer, greatly consoled that dying man.  One of the mistakes that we as Christians make is looking to our faith to bring us hope, rather than to our Savior.

There are stories of people who refused to see a doctor because they were counting on their faith to save them.  When people go through a difficult time in life, something that is often said is, "You just have to have faith."  When I hear that I would like to ask, "Faith in what?"  Faith is only as good as the object in which it puts its trust.  What brings hope and salvation is not faith, but the sinless crucified Son of God, Jesus Christ.   

Hear it again and say it often, "We are not saved by our perfect faith, but rather by our perfect Savior."  This is the firm foundation of our salvation.  Jesus Christ alone.

In His Service,

Pastor Scott G. Firminhac  


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