Class Time
Classes run from 9:00 - 11:30am and 12:30 - 3:00pm. Preschool doors are unlocked at 8:45am and 12:15pm. Please enter through the Preschool doors on the lower level of the Church.
If your child is to be picked up or go home with someone else, please let the Preschool staff know. If we are not notified by a parent with a telephone call or a note, we will assume the normal routine is to be followed. Please inform your child of any changes in his/her normal routine.
The parking lot can become quite congested both before and after school. To alleviate this problem, parking is allowed both on 9th Street and Gurley Avenue. Also, you can park n the church parking lot and use the steps on the west side of the building to enter the Preschool.
Each child needs to have a backpack to carry each day. It will help to get important notes, papers, and crafts home safely. Please take the time to go through your child’s backpack each day and review their papers with them.
We do try to take the children outside for recess every day. Please label your child’s coat, gloves, hat, and boots with his/her name.
Book Orders
Your child will bring home book orders from the Scholastic Book Club. This is an excellent way to get affordable, quality childrens books. The due date for each book order will be on the back of the order form.
Please call the Preschool at 682-5126 if your child is ill or is out of town. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message.
A monthly newsletter will be sent home with your child along with a snack calendar and an activities calendar toward the end of each month. Please check these calendars each school day as important information will be included there.
Your child will be assigned snacks for one week. You can send all the snacks for your child on the first day of school of that week. We encourage healthy, simple snacks such as individually packaged fruit snacks, crackers, pretzels, etc. Please save special treats such as cupcakes for your child’s birthday celebration. Children with summer birthdays will be celebrated in May. Due to allergies, please send only “store bought” snacks with no peanuts or egg products in the ingredients.
Show and Tell
Show and tell will be held on Fridays. Watch the calendar for specific items to be brought for show and tell.
Each child has a mailbox in their classroom. Help your child check their mailbox before leaving each day for papers, notes, and/or projects.
The Preschool provides all supplies such as crayons, glue, pencils, and scissors. Please send one roll of paper towels, one package of napkins, and one container of baby wipes with your child on the first day of school.