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Trinity Lutheran Staff





Rev. Scott Firminhac

Senior Pastor 
Office Phone:  307-682-4886
Voice Mail Box:  15

     Pastor Firminhac attended a Lutheran grade school and graduated from Racine Lutheran High School in 1987.  In 1992 he graduated with a B.A. in education from Concordia University, Mequon, Wisconsin and then went on to attend Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  Pastor Firminhac completed a year of vicarage at Trinity Lutheran Church, Gillette, Wyoming under the supervision of Pastor Nathan Brandt.

Pastor Firminhac came back to Trinity in May of 1999. He is married to Courtney and they have three children:  Callie, Samuel, and Benjamin.  Pastor Firminhac originally hails from Racine, Wisconsin while Courtney comes from Loveland, Colorado.  Pastor Firminhac did his under graduate work at Concordia University in Mequon, Wisconsin and graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in May of 1996.  

Rev. Jared C. Tucher

Assistant Pastor 
Office Phone:  307-682-4886
Voice Mail Box:  11

Reverend Jared C. Tucher was born in Indianapolis, Indiana to Frank and Kim Tucher. 

Pastor Tucher attended Franklin Central High School, Indianapolis and graduated in 1997.  He attended University of Indianapolis and graduating in 2001 with a B.A. in religion with a concentration in Pre-Theology and a second major in French.  He then went on to attend Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.  His field work was at Grace Lutheran Church, Muncie, Indiana under the Rev. Kevin Karner and Rev. Peter Cage.  He graduated with a Masters of Divinity with a major in Pastoral Ministry and a minor in Systematics.  He served in vicarage at Trinity Lutheran Church in Evansville, Indiana under the Rev. Wade E. Butler.

Pastor Tucher will be married to Gwen Mowery on January 14, 2006.  Gwen is the daughter of Mr. and John Mowery and also from Indianapolis.


Head Elder:  Brian Hauschild, 682-8106
Joe Cortney, 687-0469
Les Donahue, 468-2504
Ken Ford, 686-7003
Don Larsen, 685-0398
Gary Pettigrew, 682-9758
Larry Stevens, 686-8176
Lowell Thompson, 686-0641
Mark Volk, 682-0338

Martha Tanner

Preschool Director/Teacher

Office Phone:  307-682-5126

Martha Tanner began her duties as Preschool Director / Teacher in July of 2001 - however, Martha is by no means a stranger to the Preschool.  from the late 1970's up through the early 1990's - she had worked with Jan Scott at Trinity's Preschool as an assistant.  Many young people in this community have fond memories of her dedicated work here for many years.  If you would like to learn more about Trinity's Preschool Program, please click here.

Annette Hauschild

Staff Secretary

Office Phone:  307-682-4886

Voice Mail Box:  10

Scott Marrington

Church Properties Caretaker




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