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Week 4:  October 16-20, 2000

The area under the fellowship hall had to be completely excavated, delaying the placement and pouring of footers and foundations.  However, good progress was made on the south side of the building.  A new gas line was put into the building and the service was switched to the new gas line.  New electrical lines were laid and the new electrical boxes were installed.  It is anticipated the power will be switched to the new boxes on October 30.  Blair Electric of Gillette is the electrical contractor.  While digging the trench for electrical connection, the backhoe operator discovered that there was a coaxial cable going to the church for TV reception.  That surprised them and us.  We didn't know that such a cable was laid to the building.  Oh well, perhaps it is just as well we didn't know.  Who would have wanted the agony of watching the Cardinals lose to the Mets piped right into the church of all places?  

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