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Week 2 - October 2-6, 2000

I attended the Pastor's Conference in Casper, so there aren't as many pictures (yet).  Things seemed to even happen without me - wonder of all wonders.  Trenching for the footers of the Fellowship Hall began.  There is some concern as to whether we will be able to keep the vent chase on the north side of the building.  The architect is considering options at this very moment.  

Les and cohorts have been inside the narthex and taking out some sheetrock in an effort to obtain an accurate measurement for timbers that will be incorporated into the new narthex.  In the process Kathy (our faithful janitor) has cleared the area of stuff.  We have come to new conclusion.  Now that all that "stuff" is out of there - we didn't really need to expand that area (just kidding).  

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