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Pictures & Commentary- The week of September 25


Observations of a Sidewalk Supervisor  : - )

We are underway!  After getting a "green light" from the Lutheran Church Extension Fund on Friday, September 22, construction got underway in earnest on September 25.  First came the removal of things in the way - bushes and trees.  Care was taken to preserve the cross that was made in the 1950's by the father of Hertha Larsen and Bill Semlek.  The cross was first used with the original church building downtown and was moved to this location in 1978.  It will be used again as this project is complete.

By midweek the asphalt had been removed and excavation was underway.  Architect Keith Myhre was on hand this week in consultation with High Tech.  All is going well.  We have had a week of excellent weather.  

The Foreman from High Tech Construction is Les Aaberg.  DRM of Gillette is the subcontractor of excavation.  The plan is to complete concrete work as quickly as possible, with an emphasis on the Fellowship Hall first, which will then allow for entry into the building as the Narthex is expanded.  Care will be taken that concrete is poured in good weather.  

The men on the staff of the congregation have had a difficult time keeping their fingers out of the dirt (much to the amusement of the Secretary and Parish Worker).  A friend offered me perhaps some of the most prudent advice of the week when he said, "Why don't you just stay out of their way!"
Pastor Brandt


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