The leaders and members of Trinity Lutheran Church invite you to a special service of Thanksgiving and Dedication on November 11, 2001 at 4:00 p.m.
Rev. William Charles Heine, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Sheridan will be our guest speaker. Pastor Heine also serves as the Education Chairman for the Wyoming District of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. He has served congregations in South Dakota, Colorado and Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
The service will include official dedication of the new Fellowship Hall, the new Narthex, the new Offices, the new Youth Room and a rededication of the newly remodeled church basement. It will also feature the Choir of Trinity Lutheran Church under the direction of Mrs. Cortney Firminhac and a brass ensemble under the direction of Mr. Don Streuber.
Following the worship service, you are invited to join with the congregation in a fellowship dinner and brief program. Congregational members are asked to bring a side dish and salad or dessert. The main course and drinks will be furnished by our local AAL group.