Life is good. The good life started for our group with the 1 plus mile walk from the Hyatt to the Convention Center in New Orleans. Rides, classes, activities, Habitat for Humanity House Building, games, speakers, bands, interest centers, booths - you name it - they had it and we did it. There are times when we question how good life is - especially when you have to walk the mile plus back in sweltering heat and a downpour. I wanted a t-shirt from the New Orleans Hard Rock Cafe. The wait was 3 hours outdoors. It was raining hard. I figured my life was good enough - even without the t-shirt.
The theme for the Superdome evening was HOLY GROUND. We had already been brought through the BATTLEGROUND and DANGEROUS GROUND on Saturday and Sunday. Rev. John Nunes helped us remember that we have been put on HOLY GROUND through our baptism. He is a wonderful speaker. Six of the young people from his new congregation in Dallas were actually Confirmed in the midst of his presentation - confirmation verses and all. Do you remember yours?
As we walked out of the Superdome, Donna McMahill and I looked at each other and said, "Life is really good - we don't have walk the mile plus back to our hotel yet tonight - we're already home (our hotel is right outside the Superdome). Which brings us to the dance. My only comment is WOW! We've been going through all kinds of construction at Trinity. I know that floors are made of steel girders, tin pans and lots of concrete. The floor is this ballroom was jumping up and down at least an inch. WOW!
As the lights went out the same thought ran through my mind.
Life is good.
Be strong and of good
courage, |