Sustained Giving Stewardship Emphasis Report
Beginning in February of 1999, Trinity has been participating in a Sustained
Giving Stewardship Emphasis under the direction of Capital Funding Services of
the Lutheran Church Extension Fund of the LCMS. The thrust of the emphasis
included recruiting a leadership team and is built upon the premise of giving
EVERYONE the opportunity to participate in the capital funding of our Building
Project: Foundation for our Future. The emphasis does ask for
SACRIFICIAL gifts, but in the same breath asks only for WILLING gifts.
The main aspects of the emphasis have included:
- Awareness Forums / Visits - where members of the congregation have been
made aware of our building program and where the leadership team sought to
gather the prayer needs of the congregation
- The Prayer Vigil which was held on May 4, 2001. Every member of the
congregation was held up in prayer over a 12 hour period
- The Initial Commitment Dinner which was held on May 7 in which the
leadership team and workers were given the opportunity to make a three year
commitment. 35 responses were received and the total of the
commitments was $237,000.
- The Congregation Commitment Dinner which was held May 13 in which other
members of the congregation gathered at the St. Matthews Family Life
Center. Another 42 responses were received and another $82,000 was
added to commitments previously received.
- The congregation now enters the Commitment Visitation phase of this
emphasis with the goal of giving everyone in the congregation the
opportunity to make a commitment. At the present time, $432,000.00 has
been committed by 127 family giving units to be given over the next three
years! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
The Lord has blessed this congregation with many who are willing to give of
what the Lord has given to them and all thanks, praise, honor, glory, power
strength and might belong to Him for the work of His Spirit in the hearts of His