As you may have noticed, we read certain Scripture readings every Sunday morning in our worship services. These readings are not picked at random, rather, we are following what is known as a Pericope System. We are currently following a three year cycle and the intent and design is that the Scripture Readings appointed for the various Sundays of the church year would systematically lead you through the major teachings of the Christian faith in the course of one year.
There is an appointed Old Testament Reading (from the Old Testament), an Epistle Reading (from the letters of the New Testament i.e. Paul's letter to the Romans or Peter's letter etc.) and finally a reading from one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).
Beginning September 10, we will hold a Bible study on one of those appointed lessons each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. The class will be held in the Conference Room during the 9:30 worship service. The leader will change as who is not preaching that morning will conduct the class. In the instance where neither of the pastors nor the Vicar is available, Lowell Thompson has agreed to teach the class.
You can read ahead. Right now we are in Series B of the three year cycle. The appointed lessons are found in the Propers of the Day found in the front of Lutheran Worship on pages 10 and following.
Bring your Bible and your questions.