Adult Instruction Class

What is this "Adult Instruction Class?"

The Adult Instruction Class is intended for those who desire to become members of Trinity Lutheran Church.  The goal is that it would prepare people for meaningful communicant membership at Trinity Lutheran Church.  It is a 10 - 12 week course that covers the basics of the Christian faith and Lutheran doctrine.  However, by taking the class you are not obligated to join the church.  You may want to take it to learn and discover more about Christianity, the Lutheran Church and Trinity congregation. 

What's the content of the course?

Currently we use the course of study entitled, "I Have Good News For You."  It is an appropriate title, for many times this world is sorely lacking in good news of any kind. Not so with God.  This good news begins with us, for if we honestly look at ourselves we soon realize that we have failed - ourselves, those that are close to us and those that aren't even close to us.  Even when we think we haven't failed we have.  But this is where the Lord God steps in with Good News.  This Good News is Jesus.  Jesus Christ, God's Son, was sent to save us from our sins.

This course of study comes in ten chapters or sessions.  The titles are:

  1. I Have Good News For You About a God Who Cares For You.
  2. I Have Good News For You About God's Word
  3. I Have Good News For You About Jesus, God's Son
  4. I Have Good News For You About the Holy Spirit
  5. I Have Good News For You About Baptism
  6. I Have Good News For You About the Lord's Supper
  7. I Have Good News For You About Prayer, Devotions and Worship
  8. I Have Good News For You About the Church
  9. I Have Good News For You About Living Life
  10. I Have Good News For You About Heaven

How long?  When? Where?

As mentioned before, there are usually 10 to 12 class sessions.  Normally each class runs about 90 minutes.  We do like to start on time and end on time so that people can plan for the class and also keep to their schedules.  Study guides and pencils will be provided.  If you have a Bible you are encouraged to bring it to class.  If you don't have a Bible, we would be happy to give you one.  We also have study Bibles for a very reasonable price if you would like buy one.  

The class normally meets in the conference room of Trinity Lutheran Church (on the corner of 9th and Gurley).  As you enter the building you will find the conference room to the right.

Both Pastor Brandt and Pastor Firminhac seek to offer the class often - about three to four times a year or more if needed.  We usually meet on Sunday evenings, or Tuesday evenings - but we have also held the class on Saturday if needed at that time.

"One of my concerns is my work schedule.  I can't make it to every class because sometimes I have to work.  I don't want to start something that I can't finish."

We have found this to be true for many people in Gillette.  We would encourage you to enroll regardless of your work schedule.  There are several things that can be done in spite of the fact that you can't make it to all of the classes.

Can I get child care during the class?

Yes!  Please notify the church office at 682-4886 if arrangements need to be made for child care.

Who can attend?

The class is intended for adults.  We have junior confirmation classes for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students.  Teenagers have also come to the class.  

 Members of the congregation are also welcome to attend.  Many have found the class to be a source of encouragement, renewal and review of what they learned when they were younger. 

"I feel as though I don't know much about the Bible and I'm not real comfortable coming to something like this?"

There are many who feel just like you.  Both Pastor Brandt and Pastor Firminhac seek to help you where ever you are.  No prior knowledge of the Bible is needed.  We encourage you to give it a try.  We have found that the News is so Good that it appeals to everyone. 

How do I get in a class like this?

Easy - just call 682-4886 and ask to speak with Pastor Brandt or Firminhac.  You will get information about when the next class will begin and you will be put on a list and contacted by mail (or email if you like). 

You can also watch the Parish Notes (published weekly in our Sunday morning bulletin) or "LifeLine" Trinity's monthly newsletter for information about when the next class begins.  Extra copies are available in the entry of the church or from the secretary. 

Also - watch this web site.  We're going to put such information on here too. 

If you have other questions about the class - please don't hesitate to call.  We will try to help you at 682-4886. 

It is the Lord our God who does have "Good News For All of Us".