Ask the Vicar

The Epiphany season always has the fixed start date of January 6 and goes to Ash Wednesday.  The main teaching for this church season is that Jesus came into this world in the form of a servant and at the same time He let His glory as true God shine forth.  The divine nature of Christ (which is His Glory) was revealed in His miracles and by His preaching to the people.  The season begins with the events of the Wise Men visiting Jesus.  Incidentally, Jesus was between one and two years old when this happened.  The church celebrates the Baptism of Jesus the next day, which is where God blesses Jesus and anoints Jesus as Christ and Jesus' public ministry begins.  Jesus at His Baptism is around thirty years old.  We have no record of Jesus' life those thirty years except for the event when Mary and Joseph left Jesus in Jerusalem after Passover celebrations when Jesus was twelve.  The last event in the Epiphany season is the Transfiguration.  On top of that mountain Jesus reveals His glory in full to Peter, James, John, and to us.  We see Jesus in all His divine glory!  Jesus, however, on the way down the mountain again hides His glory as He begins His travels to the hill where He will be crucified; but that is the Lenten season.